A Conceptual Model of Our Universe Derived from the Fine Structure Constant (α)

Crary, John R. (2023) A Conceptual Model of Our Universe Derived from the Fine Structure Constant (α). American Journal of Computational Mathematics, 13 (04). pp. 524-532. ISSN 2161-1203

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The Fine Structure Constant (α) is a dimensionless value that guides much of quantum physics but with no scientific insight into why this specific number. The number defines the coupling constant for the strength of the electromagnetic force and is precisely tuned to make our universe functional. This study introduces a novel approach to understanding a conceptual model for how this critical number is part of a larger design rather than a random accident of nature. The Fine Structure Constant (FSC) model employs a Python program to calculate n-dimensional property sets for prime number universes where α equals the whole number values 137 and 139, representing twin prime universes without a fractional constant. Each property is defined by theoretical prime number sets that represent focal points of matter and wave energy in their respective universes. This work aims to determine if these prime number sets can reproduce the observed α value, giving it a definable structure. The result of the FSC model produces a α value equal to 137.036, an almost exact match. Furthermore, the model indicates that other twin prime pairs also have a role in our functional universe, providing a hierarchy for atomic orbital energy levels and alignment with the principal and azimuthal quantum numbers. In addition, it construes stable matter as property sets with the highest ratio of twin prime elements. These results provide a new perspective on a mathematical structure that shapes our universe and, if valid, has the structural complexity to guide future research.

Item Type: Article
Subjects: European Scholar > Mathematical Science
Depositing User: Managing Editor
Date Deposited: 20 Dec 2023 08:20
Last Modified: 20 Dec 2023 08:20
URI: http://article.publish4promo.com/id/eprint/3162

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